Click here for our latest publication: Criticality and the role of education in achieving the European Green Deal
Hardy, A., Proctor, M., MacCallum, C., Shawe, J., Abdalla, S., Ali, R., Abdalla, S., Oakes, G., Rosu, L. and Worrall, E., 2022. Conditional trust: Community perceptions of drone use in malaria control in Zanzibar. Technology in Society, 68, p.101895. DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2022.101895
Proctor, M.R., 2022. A Slow Train Crash That Can Be Avoided: Citizen Power, the Mining of Critical Raw Materials (CRMS) Within Europe and the Need for Investment in Political Realities. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 23(1), pp.19-28. Link
Proctor, M., 2021. A theoretical model for social licence to operate for the mining sector in South Eastern Europe (Doctoral dissertation, Swansea University).
MacCallum CS, Jackson M (2021) ESG: An Ethical Explorationist’s Quandary Global Mining Review, July/August 2021 Palladian Publications, UK. Link
Proctor MR, MacCallum C.S (2019) Canary in the Cage: Community Voices and a Social Licence to Operate in Central Eastern Europe Paper, Sustainable Mining Conference Santiago, Chile.
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning Chapter 13 Global Learning: Addressing Attitudes, Behaviours and Competencies (ABC) in Teaching and Learning in Zanzibar (Joint Publication 2019)
MacCallum C.S, (2016) A Social License for Sustainable Development through Mining Paper, Mining and Communities Solutions Conference, Vancouver, Canada
MacCallum CS Parshley J. (2016) Attractive Nuisances and Wicked Solutions, Paper The Mine Closure Conference, Perth, Australia.
MacCallum C.S (2015) Mining: Resource Curse or a Wicked Solution for a Sustainable Future, Paper Socially Responsible Mining Conference, Antofagasta, Chile
MacCallum C.S. (2015) Transformational Approaches to Learning and Sustainable Livelihoods, Paper UKFIET, Oxford UK
Assessing land cover change in northern Zanzibar and its relation to environmental and social pressures: a satellite remote sensing approach (Joint Publication 2015)
Local Attitudes towards Migrant Workers in five loyalist estates of Portadown CRC Funded publication commended by the Government of Northern Ireland. (Joint Publication (2007, 2014)
MacCallum C.S, Salaam I. (2014) Measuring Change in Transformational Learning, a Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Framework, Paper IOE, UCL London, UK
MacCallum C.S. (2014) A Sustainability Approach to Livelihood Restoration, Mines and Money Conference, London UK
MacCallum C.S. Bron A (2014) Livelihood Restoration Post Conflict, Workshop and Paper IAIA Resettlement and Livelihoods Symposium, South Africa
MacCallum C.S. (2014) Linking Private Sector to Poverty Reduction Responsible Mining Summit, London UK
MacCallum C.S. (2014) Sustainable Livelihoods to Adaptive Capabilities, a global learning journey PhD Thesis, IOE,,UCL, London Link
MacCallum C.S (2013) Climate Choices for Sustainable Change Paper UKFIET Conference, Oxford UK
MacCallum C.S (2012) Adaptive Capabilities and Sustainable Livelihoods Paper HDCA Conference, The Hague, Holland
Designer of a UN Man and Biosphere Award winning project. (Wales UK 2000)